Daily writing prompt
Why do you blog?

This is a good question! Thank you for asking.

A little over 13 years ago my mom, after doing something hilarious, asked me, “are you going to write that down and put it on your little space book?” She confused Myspace (where my original blog was housed) with Facebook.

I responded, “Yes. Yes, I am,” and promptly created the mylittlespacebook blog. So, that’s how I got here – through mom and her funny business.

As I stated in my first post:

“I’m not entirely sure what will come next, but within the virtual walls of my little e-space you may find humorous anecdotes, half-intelligible thoughts hastily written in a chai-induced frenzy, a piece of blue glasssobering reports from the Society of Knitters and Nutters (SoKaN), reviews of books that strike my fancy, a dead rat  you can swing on a string, questionable questions, transcriptions of conversations recorded for posterity, ideas for inventions the world needs to make me happy, lists of things, a few pollsa kitten’s whisker, travel logs, observations from the natural world, philosophical contemplation, notes to self, and maybe even a pearl of wisdom if we get lucky.”

The “why do you blog” question has mystified me for years. I’ve attempted to write on this topic before, but I wasn’t able to explain it to myself. Today, as I was reviewing my posts and putting the links together that fit my original musings, I realized I am here as a random person on my own little heroine’s journey. I am doing my best to get to know myself and share some of the things I see, experience, think, make, and learn along the way. The blog is a multi-media scrapbook. It’s a way to keep track of my life and to share it with the people I love. I appreciate being able to look back at a certain month or year to see what I was doing and thinking. It’s interesting to be able to easily search certain topics to track how my thinking has evolved. It’s a nifty tool for expression and discovery.