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Skattur’s latest completed project is a fairy garden and it’s so cute that it needed to be shared.


Here are a few of her others…


“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

November was exceedingly strange.  Here are a few pictures I’ve taken this month of things that happened.

There was this…



Moving on.




“I just can’t” said the bear in the Costco parking lot.



(I was waiting on a friend in the car when the bear showed up seemingly unaccompanied.)




“Rawr” said the dinosaur.



(The dino was my contribution to a SoKaN event for #901 Rocks – a delightfully fun community craft movement taking the city by storm. These are some of the other SoKaNers’ painted rocks…)


[And finally, coming home fr0m this mad, funny, heartbreaking, and beautiful world to  retreat (not to be confused with retweet) and recharge.]


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Mad Catter crashing my tea party





Ever wondered what do with an unsightly tree stump?

I had  a tree stump in my front yard and I thought I was being creative by hollowing it out and planting a flower in it.

But then my sister took tree stump creativity to a whole new level.    Skattur of SoKaN and Recycled by Skattur fame, transformed her ugly stump into a fabulous little gnome house.


gnome house 2j


You can check out all the adorable details in the pictures on her blog:  Skatturcast’s Blog

SoKaN’s El-D (yes, we’ve claimed him) has been building a coffee table out of pallet wood.  He’s getting close to the end of his project.  Check out his tutorial on the project:

Reclaimed pallet coffee table – December 2013.

Skattur has a new garden art creation: Mushroom Sitters.

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As you can see, they are freakin’ adorable.

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You can find these little guys and their friends TOMORROW

at the Mid-South People’s Pizza Awards & Rock -N- Rumble Showdown.

Skattur will be there 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

I’ll be there floating around there somewhere probably being a pizza snob

(Nobody makes a better pie than El-D).

This event is sure to be a blast!



Here’s where it’s at:

Battle Arena

3873 U.S 61

Tunica MS. 38676

If you like shopping at flea markets and you like gardening then you will love the Flea Market Gardening website, where the two become joined in art.   Sue Langley, the woman behind the website features “Real people. Real gardens. Real projects. ”  She posts fabulous pictures of gardeners’ second hand hauls and their DIY creations.  The website is a treasure trove of cute gardening ideas.


I’m soooo excited that SoKaN’s very own Skattur is featured today on the website!  The article is a how-to guide on how she and her husband made these wooden pallet chairs.


Skattur will be at The Cooper-Young Community’s Farmers Market this Sunday, May 11 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.  She’ll be pedaling her garden totems and bird feeders, which of course would make a great Mother’s Day gift.  Just sayin’…

skattur etsy

Skattur’s garden art from her Etsy shop

The Annual St. Jude Spring Fest and Gospel Extravaganza was this weekend in Millington.

Good times for a good cause.

Skattur’s display of garden art and accessories was the prettiest yet.

craft fair display

craft fair display


yard art in spring colors

yard art in spring colors

Her little fairy habitats are utterly adorable.



People toss out interesting things.

And I have acquired the quirky behavior of rummaging around in the things other people pitch out, then stacking one person’s tossed out treasure on top of another’s discarded thing-a-ma-bob.  Fanciful sculptures emerge, which I then throw in the yard.

I blame Skattur.

On Break

On Break

This coming Saturday I will drag them to the St. Jude Craft fair under the pretense of wanting to sell them….

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…but it feels a little like selling one’s children.

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Obviously, I still have a lot to learn about letting go.

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Star-Crossed Tree Huggers

Today SoKaN joined a gang of 80 knittas and hookers to carry out a bombing assignment for the mafia.


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That’s yarn bombing, of course, otherwise known as knit graffiti, a form of community street art.  And the mafia is the Memphis Knit Mafia.

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the turquoise and red piece on the 2nd rail is my work

This means that as of today my work is officially on display at a museum.  I’m pretty sure this makes me edgy and urban, yet sophisticated and classy, all at the same time (if only in my imagination).

I lead such an adventurous (fantasy) life, especially for someone who spends such a vast amount of leisure time reading, knitting, and putting on shadow puppet shows for her puppy.

People are so durn creative, so now I will present the work of the real artists…

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Ladybugs and flowers and stripes and pink and pompoms! It’s so fluffy I could die.

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Knitted hearts on a string! Be still my heart. I must learn to make these.

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More hearts.

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A super big THANK YOU to Christiana Leibovich for being the capo di tutti capi.


Our Fancy Upcoming Events

SoKaN will be joining the Memphis Knit Mafia to yarn bomb the Brooks Museum of Art on Sunday, March 17 at 11:00 a.m.  This project is in conjunction with the Angels & Tomboys: Girlhood in Nineteenth Century American Art exhibit.

If you’re not familiar with yarn bombing, you can check out this photo essay from Time Magazine by clicking HERE to learn more about this fine art.  I am thrilled to pieces to be participating in this event. My new favorite thing to do is to talk loudly about this event in public places.  I alternatively refer to it as “my bombing assignment from the Mafia” or “my next exhibit at the art museum,” depending on whether I’m feeling dangerous or fancy.  I do this, of course, because I’m actually just a gigantic nerd that gets giddy over knitting.  But whatevs! I have my contribution to a bench complete and I’m currently working on a handrail.  Wheee!  There will be prize drawings, knitting lessons and food trucks on hand, so join us for the fun!

 Also, we invite you to come see us on Saturday, March 23 support St. Jude at the Annual St. Jude Springfest at the Millington Civic Center, 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.  There will be 13 Bluegrass/Gospel groups, food & craft vendors, McGruff the Crime Dog,  a silent auction, games for the kids, Motorcycle Dice Run & much, much more.

Where We’ve Been

November 028Back in November SoKaN joined the various other “pop-up” people – performers, vendors, artists – at MemFix Crosstown. This event was part of Mayor AC Wharton’s initiative to bring Sexy Back to Memphis.  Sounds like a good plan to me.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day to perch on a lawn chair and ponder the historic Sears Building. I hope to see the Church Health Center and other healthcare providers of Memphis succeed in their vision of revitalizing the space. My grandmother used to work there and I can’t drive by it without thinking of her.
There was lots of fun to be had — a rock climbing wall, food trucks galore, hula hoopers, doggies , strangely dressed people, and a one man band on a trailer being pulled around by a bicycler. Good times!
Back in December we did the Holiday Market and Concert in Millington.  xmas craftinessI am always amazed by the talent and creativity on display at craft shows.  Signs and holiday door decorations were particularly hot at this event.

Signs on the left were crafted by Monkey See, Lexi Do.  Some double as picture frames.  Cute idea!

And of course SoKaN had our wares…

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Recycled Garden Art by Skattur

Recycled Garden Art by Skattur

Beady Boop's Baubles

Beady Boop’s Baubles

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