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The butterfly seems to approve of my new hat’s message, “Make American fairies again.” 🧚🦋💗

My Little Spacebook celebrates a decade of the pretty things unfolding wings and every sweet flirtation with the blushing rose.




Mystic River Dance – Dance of the Butterflies

Mystic River Dance presented this dance in the show “Nature’s Rhythms” (February 2019, Memphis, TN).

Music: Adagio by Secret Garden

Choreography: Feyrouz (Julia Oller)

Dancers: Mystic River Dance

Butterfly wings by DOR (Dorota Pracownia)


The earth flower and sky flower unite.

Butterfly in the Garden


august 16 011


As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.  To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.

–Henry David Thoreau

august 16 017

june garden 020

hydrangea magic

If you believe in magic, come along with me

We’ll dance until morning till there’s just you and me.

And maybe, if the music is right,

I’ll meet you tomorrow, sort of late at night

And we’ll go dancing, baby, then you’ll see 

 How the magic’s in the music and the music’s in me.

–The Lovin’ Spoonful


butterfly song

The musical harmonies throughout Nature are going on all the time. Everything that moves, sings as it moves; and ‘all things are moving, Nothing is absolutely inert, consequently everything sings, and the stars in their majestic cyclical motions, and the planets in their orbits, sing the Song of the Spheres; but our senses are not attuned to take it in. . . .

sunflower singing

sunflower singing

They sing, all these entities, from the music in their own spirit-souls; they can do naught else but sing. They are harmony in their inmost being, and this harmony wells up as from a fountain and comes out and expresses itself in song.

— G. de Purucker

the lettuce tree orchestra

the lettuce tree orchestra



How was that even normal, to cry over insects?

–Delarobia, Flight Behavior, Barbara Kingsolver

There are very a few authors whose collections I feel compelled to devour in their entirety. Barbara Kingsolver is in that select few. She’s brilliant. Her mastery of the English language inspires me. Her intellect humbles me. Her reverence for nature motivates me to observe, conserve, and appreciate the natural world.

Her latest book,  Flight Behavior  is set in the Appalachian Mountains. The story centers on Delarobia Turnbow, a young wife and mother, literally running away from her life in someone else’s cast off boots. Delarobia chances upon a discovery that changes her life: millions of monarch butterflies unexpectedly alight in the forest.  Miracle or sign of impending environmental doom? You decide. Kingsolver, a trained biologist, throws in enough science to make you feel like an armchair lepidopterist.  Staying true to the region, she also smacks down some religion. Any time you pass by the Bible Belt you can expect a good spank.  It’s a good mix that creates a nice tension.

I relished most of this book, but there were parts that made me really tired.  I understand the story is set in Tennessee, but I could have done without the Honey Boo Boo vibes. I like my fiction to take me away from my real life, not put me right back at the heart of it.  I live in Tennessee.  I have relatives that wear shirts that say things like, “You mess with me, you mess with the whole trailer park.”  If I wanted to experience a marital dispute in Wal-Mart I could just load up the family in the pickup truck, drive a couple miles down the road, and go at it.  I’m already familiar with this routine. I don’t need to read about it. And if I wanted to experience Wal-Mart scenery, but felt too lazy to drive down the street, I could surf the People of Wal-mart website from bed without having to read pages and pages of dialogue devoted to this sort of thing.   Wal-mart drama does not make good literature. In Kingsolver’s own words, “It could not be more tedious or familiar, any of it.”

Also, I wish academia was half as fabulous as described in this story.   Kingsolver paints an idealized version of this endeavor featuring researchers with the purest intentions who are blessed with outlandish funding, and the most understanding of spouses.   It’s a really lovely picture, even true to a degree, but still incomplete.  (Where are the turf wars, conspiracies, and petty squabbles over the minutia?)

Despite my minor gripes, it was an awesome story.  I was smitten with the real main character of the story: the butterflies.  In the end I cried for what was revealed about the interconnectedness of individuals to each other and to the environment.


And only because I brought it up, I have to include this video of the People of Wal-mart.

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