Today SoKaN joined a gang of 80 knittas and hookers to carry out a bombing assignment for the mafia.


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That’s yarn bombing, of course, otherwise known as knit graffiti, a form of community street art.  And the mafia is the Memphis Knit Mafia.

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the turquoise and red piece on the 2nd rail is my work

This means that as of today my work is officially on display at a museum.  I’m pretty sure this makes me edgy and urban, yet sophisticated and classy, all at the same time (if only in my imagination).

I lead such an adventurous (fantasy) life, especially for someone who spends such a vast amount of leisure time reading, knitting, and putting on shadow puppet shows for her puppy.

People are so durn creative, so now I will present the work of the real artists…

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Ladybugs and flowers and stripes and pink and pompoms! It’s so fluffy I could die.

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Knitted hearts on a string! Be still my heart. I must learn to make these.

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More hearts.

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A super big THANK YOU to Christiana Leibovich for being the capo di tutti capi.