I have been working on my Ukrainian journal a lot this month.

The project began early this year — way before the Ukraine became all the rage in the news.

Now everything is coming up Ukraine!

My people are from Zaporizhia and the project was originally intended as a way to learn about the culture and my ancestors while also learning the art making of “junk journals” from my sister.  The journal inspired research, which inspired the creation of the choreography I performed last weekend, which inspired more research.  I’ve maybe been a little (ok, a LOT) obsessed. I have amassed an embarrassing amount of Russian folk music and I’ve been bugging my Russian-speaking friends and my dad about interpreting the lyrics anytime they’re in the vicinity.  I’ve watched hours and hours of youtube videos and documentaries (Romany Romance was awesome) and I’ve videoed the videos (so meta!). Orest Subtelny’s Ukraine: A History sits on my nightstand. Svetlana Touchkoff’s foretune telling cards are scattered like breadcrumbs from my office to my bedroom. They keep popping up unexpectedly in strange places.

So today I made a little hidey spot in the journal for super secret notes. But that’s not what I’m showing you today.  Today you get to see the inside cover with a picture of my grandmother as a little girl and the front pocket stuffed with papery parts.

Ukraine Journal Cover